Legal notice
Company: Telelift GmbH
Represented by: Managing Director R. Sobotta
Registered office:
Frauenstrasse 28
82216 Maisach
Telephone: +49 8141 31591 0
Telefax: +49 8141 31591 111
Legal form: Limited corporation (GmbH)
Trade register: County court Munich, HRB 196043
Turnover tax ID: DE 815 363 327
Disclaimer: Despite careful content control we take over no liability for content of external links. The
responsibility for the content of these linked pages lies exclusively with their owners.
Concept and realization: Telelift GmbH
Copyright © Telelift GmbH
Telelift GmbH („Telelift“) reserves all rights at and regarding to the website world-wide. The contents and works on these pages prepared by Telelift or their service providers are subject to German copyright. Copying, processing, distribution and any kind of usage beyond the borders of copyright require Telelift’s written approval. Downloads and copies of this page are allowed only for private, non-commercial use.
As far as the contents on this page were not created by Telelift, third party’s copyrights are respected and identified as third party’s contents, if necessary. If nevertheless a copyright violation might occur, Telelift requests a corresponding notice. When such legal violations become known, Telelift will immediately remove such contents.